author Стефан Тодаров

The name:
Стефан Тодаров


  • The most effective diet for this week is eggs, oranges, buckwheat, Bormental, hypoallergenic diet. Examples of menus for weight loss, prohibited and permitted foods. Dietary Characteristics of Disease. Recipes for dietary dishes.
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  • What are breathing exercises and what are the benefits of weight loss methods? The basic principles of effective classes and their implementation.
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  • How to find the motivation to lose weight every day, the advice of a psychologist-in the article, we will tell you seventy tips about each item.
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  • The ketogenic diet for weight loss, what is a keto diet, what is a keto food, how does a keto diet affect weight loss, what should not be a keto diet, the rules that must be followed, and who should not switch to ketone food.
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  • The basic principles of weight loss effective. How to correctly fill mode and diet to lose weight quickly and for a long time.
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