Homemade slimming tea (recipe)

Slimming green tea

Every woman has her own secret to weight loss. Some take part in sports, some go on a diet, and some combine multiple methods at the same time. The last method is the most effective. Proper nutrition and moderate physical activity will gradually take effect, and the weight will return to normal. Homemade slimming tea will help speed up this process. There are many simple recipes based on natural health products. Therefore, you can not only lose weight, but also get health benefits. Some women prefer to buy ready-made slimming tea in pharmacies, but you need to be careful here. First of all, there are many fakes. Secondly, some manufacturers add chemical elements to their beverages, which may be harmful to health if consumed regularly.

The characteristics of homemade slimming tea

Period of use

Most homemade weight loss teas are based on herbs, which can promote metabolism, dehydration and detoxification. There are two opposite aspects to such a process. First, they remove harmful substances and free cells and organs from the accumulated toxins, removing all of them along with the liquid. But long-term use can lead to nutrient depletion and dehydration. It is for this reason that the intake time of tea should be strictly limited. It is best to have a course of no more than 10 days and then rest for 5 days.

Holistic method rules

Homemade slimming tea is only effective when combined with other slimming techniques. Therefore, while using it, it is necessary to follow a low-calorie diet and exercise. In this case, there is no need at all, and I don’t even want to exhaust myself through training every day. In order to build your body, going to the gym or fitness center 2-3 times a week is enough. As a last resort, you can even practice at home.

If you only want to adjust your weight slightly, you can continue without changing your daily life. Just add a weight loss tea to your diet. Drinking every day for a week can remove toxins from the body and restore the body. But at the same time, it is important to understand that only good habits can bring lasting results. In order not to consider weight loss, it is necessary to live a healthy lifestyle in all aspects. Then you will provide yourself with an ideal figure, youth and vitality for many years.

Lemon tea for weight loss

Homemade recipes

green tea

High-quality green tea itself does not contain aromatic additives and is an excellent tool for maintaining a healthy figure. By substituting them for other hot drinks, you can improve your health and gradually lose weight. To make it more effective, you can add a small amount of fresh ginger root, lemon wedges, or both. Most importantly, this drink is suitable for winter drinking and can prevent colds.

Orange Herbal Infusion

To make this tea, you need to buy dried catnip lemon leaves in a pharmacy. Each serving requires 10 grams, plus 7 grams of chopped orange peel. Pour all of these into 300ml of boiling water, wrap it in a towel and leave it for 10-12 minutes. Then the infusion must be filtered and consumed on an empty stomach-in the morning or before going to bed.

Thyme Mint Tea

The formula of this drink is very simple. You need to take 10 grams of dried thyme and mint, pour in a cup of boiling water, and let the heat on for 5 minutes. After that, wrap the immersion liquid in a towel and let it stand for another 10 minutes. Then drink water on an empty stomach. One cup a day is enough.

Apple Cinnamon Tea

This kind of beverage is not drunk in one course, but is drunk at will from time to time. Not only will it benefit and help you lose weight, but it will also bring a lot of fun. To prepare it, you need to chop half an apple and put it in a glass with cinnamon sticks. Put the tea leaves there (any tea will do). Pour boiling water and brew as usual. Then strain, wait until it cools slightly, and add honey.

Herbal series

To prepare this drink, you need sea buckthorn and oak bark, tansy flowers, yarrow and wormwood. All of these dry forms can be purchased in pharmacies. The recipe for this drink is to make 1 teaspoon. Collect, pour into a cup of boiling water and let stand for 10 minutes. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Because it has a bitter taste, it is best eaten with honey.

If drunk correctly, any homemade slimming tea will have good results. In addition, you should carefully monitor your health to avoid weight gain. For this, it is hardly necessary, that is, moderate physical activity and proper nutrition.