Diet keto — basic concepts

This article describes the principle of power, which is called "the ketogenic diet is" (or "keto diet"), based on the analysis of medical data. The method has been tested on human volunteers and allowed for the great mass. In the article is not painting the entire system, however, established the general principle with the justification of each step, which is more important for self-awareness and regulation, and under his ability, the time, the state of health, etc.

Recently spread throughout the world, has received the strawberry diet (he also briefly, diet keto). Its essence is, to almost completely eliminate carbohydrates from the diet.

The fact is that the lack of glucose, resulting from the cleavage of carbohydrates, the body needs to switch to another source of energy. It is for this advance is ready, because the fat and are the main source of energy savings for the "black day".

Products for keto diet

Carbohydrates are the main source to ensure the energy of the body, in spite of the fact that give less energy in calories in comparison with fat(4kcal/g or 9kcal/g, respectively). Because the body considers low value. Also the "shop" for their is not provided, unlike storable fat.

The main problem is to give your body a good "pink", so he understood what we want, and therefore moved to another state, in which oxidized the fats. For this and developed keto diet.

Diet keto — General information

The acute problem of modernity — the overweight and the obesity. This is one of the most important medical and social problems. Excess weight is one of the most frequent causes of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and many other diseases.

The sharpness of this problem is increasing, together with the global trend to increase the duration of life. The low level of life in some countries, moreover, contributes to obesity due to incorrect dietary habits of the population. The struggle with being overweight and obese is one of the main tasks of modern health care systems all over the world.

Nutritionist in collaboration with experts from other destinations offering a wide range of methods and forms of struggle against this evil. Also with the help of different diets. In the course of the last thirty years a growing interest in is not the normal method of control, overweight, well-known under the name of diet KETO (the ketogenic diet is). We try to understand where what is keto diet.

More acceptable as a way to fight the overweight is to limit the consumption of food. If this is to be respected medical important security policies for health and efficiency.

The best results in this sense gives low-calorie belkovosvazavatei diet with an energy value of about 800 kcal per day and the protein content of not less than fifty grams. However, some experts see the report in this diet unwanted and dangerous consequences, such as hypoglycemia, hyperuricemia, hyperlipidemia, cordierite, gallstone disease, osteoporosis, etc

And the biggest concern of professionals is causing the possibility of occurrence of the state of ketosis.

What is ketosis

Our body is able to receive the energy of the three main groups of substances: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. From the energy point of view, the value, the more high energy potential have the fat (8-9,7 Kcal/g — here we mean the value of "clean" energy of substances, that is, without the accompaniment of a ballast). Carbohydrates and proteins are less rich in energy (about 4 Kcal/g).

Apparently, then, the nature is ordered in such a way that our body is in the normal mode of existence using the energy produced from carbohydrates and fats leave reserve for cases of emergency.

If you limit the intake of carbohydrates up to a certain level, the body begins to use fat and protein for the production of energy required. Consequently the metabolism to the fat form the so-called ketone bodies. This is only three chemical compounds — acid acetoacetico (acetoacetate), beta-hydroxybutyric acid (beta-hydroxybutyrate, beta-idrossibutirrico, abbr. BOMB), and acetone.

The formation of ketone bodies, or ketogenesis, is a physiological process that is an indispensable part of an exchange of energy. In the course of this exchange, we need so much energy.

Real energy reserves in the body with glycogen, adipose tissue, and protein structures. Glycogen reserves are small in size, apparently due to the organic useless, its conservation, and make up about 500 – 700 grams, which in the field of energy equivalent to 2 – 3 thousand Kcal.

The largest potential energy have protein in the body, simply because a lot of them. But consuming protein for energy production extremely practical (you lose it in the first place, the muscle mass).

And, finally, fat. Even if their usually less of protein (normal ratio 1/2) but their energy capacity is significantly higher than that of proteins. Here is only to force the body to use fat for their energy purposes is not simple because fat, in addition to the "strategic" values are still and other fees physiological: the synthesis and metabolism of hormones and bioactive substances, the production of heat insulation and heat preservation, giving elasticity to the soft tissues and fixation of organs, and much more.

And just keto diet allows you to force the body enters a state of ketosis, that is, start using the fats to produce energy.

Ketosis is a state of the body, when it is forced to switch to the use of fat to compensate the energy requirement. Reached this was essential to limit the consumption of carbohydrates.

The advantages of the keto diet

The interest for the ketogenic diet in constant growth. Is ketosis is the most effective mechanism of catabolism of adipose tissue. As the popularity of the diet, and even the serious problem of obesity is increasing, the european Parliament has instructed the food safety commission, to consider the most popular and scientifically validated diet in Europe.

Formed a full group has reviewed approximately 15 low calorie diets (ACI) from the point of view of security, applications, readings, absolute and relative contraindications, side effects, complications, etc Three chapters of the report of the working group were dedicated to the ketosis — ketosis and catabolism of proteins when using the ACI, ketosis and calcium balance with ACI and ketosis, and hyperuricemia with the ACI.

In September 2002, the expert report was approved in the meeting of the commission to the european Parliament. The report says that despite the contraindications, the most diets spreads through the retail. Four diet you apply the medical institutions, and only one will apply under the supervision of a doctor. Prescribe a diet, only a doctor can.

The first two phases of this diet are ketogenic, as a result, the diet should not be accompanied by a sense of starvation and must be quite effective.

Properly structured keto diet is not a danger, except when this diet is completely contraindicated.

What are the benefits of keto diet:

  • Rather quick loss of excess weight;
  • Decrease in the levels of sugar in the blood;
  • Improvement of the integrity;
  • Improvement of the functioning of the brain;
  • The lack of feeling of hunger compared to low calorie diets;
  • The reduction in the level of "bad" cholesterol, strange as it may seem;
  • The reduction of the blood pressure if it is high;
  • The normalization of insulin levels in type 2 diabetes;
  • Improvement of the condition of the skin with acne, etc.

Among other things, ketone bodies provide about 80% of the entire demand of the brain in energy and in possession of psihologicheskimi property in the form of the antidepressant effect.

Risk ketogenic diet

The main danger is the ketogenic diet – exaggerate. Some people are too limited to eat pointing to a rapid loss of weight. This can not be avoided. Need to follow his personal irrigation ("macro"), in order not to break the balance. Otherwise, there is the possibility that ketosis enters a state of diabetic ketoacidosis, when ketone bodies in the body too. This is a very dangerous state, threatening to violation of work of a whole series of organs and, in the first place, the liver.

When ketosis there is a mechanism of self-regulation, when with the increase in the number of ketone bodies "slowed down" the process of metabolism. But to everything there is a limit, then it is necessary to exactly adhere to the established characteristics of the diet. Keto diet is contraindicated in type 1 diabetes (with this type of diabetes, ketosis and ketoacidosis can develop it yourself).

Also the keto diet is absolutely not compatible with alcohol consumption. In addition, it is necessary to avoid situations that can lead to dehydration, it's too dangerous.

How to correctly get into ketosis

Keto diet not a diet that you can start and finish when you want. The body requires some time to adjust to this diet and enter into a state called ketosis. The process usually takes from 2 to 7 days and depends on the personal characteristics of the body, physical activity levels and the type of power supply. If you need as quickly as possible to enter a state of ketosis, you need to consume energy on an empty stomach, and limit the consumption of carbohydrates to 20 grams per day, or less. When this is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid intake.

To speed up the process of entering a state of ketosis, it is possible to use the method called the fat fast. Adipose post involves the consumption of 1000 — 1200 kcal per day, with 80 — 90% percent come from fat consumption. This can last for a very short time, up to a maximum of 5 days (usually 2-3 days), long fat fasting can be dangerous for your health!

Check the state of ketosis is possible with the help of cards of the sampling, determine the level of ketone bodies in the urine. Initially this method was proposed for the veterinary, but it also works in the case of a person. The accuracy of these measures is small in size and, usually, for this test can only be judged on the presence of a state of ketosis, or its absence, but not in the degree of ketosis. Therefore, this indicator can be considered only as an auxiliary. Test strips can be purchased in the pharmacy or on the internet.

How to find out if that you are in a state of ketosis

As mentioned above, the simplest and easiest method (but not the cost!) method to measure the degree of ketosis – take advantage of special strips (something like litmus pieces of paper that they use to measure the acidity of liquids). There are also more advanced methods of measuring the concentration of ketone bodies in the body.

Devices that measure the level of ketones in exhaled air. They, of course, are more expensive than the strips, but they last much longer and the accuracy of the measurement significantly higher. The most precise method of measurement (in the house) are devices that measure the level of ketone bodies in the blood. Act are in the likeness of family glucometers, enjoyed by diabetics to measure the level of sugar in the blood. It is very precision, tools, but, unfortunately, are not cheap. If you are your personal recommendations, calculated using our calculator KETO, then you will not in urgent need of instrumental measurements. Quite exactly follow a diet and to assess his subjective feelings.


We talked about periods. Three periods are in a circle. If desired, these rims can take up to 4-6. Therefore, it is recommended that you rest, because this is the fast way to lose weight is stress for the body. Keto diet — there is not a way of torturing the body. On the contrary — it is a way for them to bring our body back to normal.

If all of the recommendations, the results will be visible after the first lap (not less than 1.5 kg with the participants in the experiment). The amount of water, depending on the weight, can vary, but may not be less than 1.5 litres of clean water a day (tea, coffee and other beverages considered separately!).